Reducing the opening hours of food and beverage establishments, limiting their operation until 11 pm, is one of the decisions contained in the order issued by the Regional Secretariat for Health and Civil Protection, published moments ago in JORAM (Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of Madeira) ).

Order No. 101/2020 contemplates new preventive measures in view of the alert situation motivated by the new coronavirus (Covid-19).

Here is the list of decisions of the Regional Government:

“Reduce the capacity of food and beverage establishments, including terraces, to 50% of their maximum capacity;

Prohibit consumption outside restaurants and beverages;

Reduce the opening hours of food and beverage establishments, limiting their operation until 11 pm;

Determine the temporary closure of all nightlife and catering establishments and drinks that have rooms or spaces for dancing or where you usually dance;

Determine the temporary closure of gambling halls and gambling rooms;

Reduce the capacity of public, and private transport to 50% of its maximum capacity;

Prohibit gatherings on the public road, or in private spaces of public access, which do not respect, among the participants, the safety distances for preventing viral transmission recommended by health authorities;

Subject to sanitary control citizens entering the Region, or in other situations that justify it, being obliged to comply with the guidelines that are defined by the health authorities;

The police authority can order the immediate closure of establishments that do not comply with the measures defined herein;

All citizens must comply with guidelines and requests that, in the context of preventing the transmission of the virus, are directed by authorities, health services and civil protection agents;

Limit ticket sales for the maritime connection to Porto Santo only to residents on that island, without prejudice to exceptional situations, duly evaluated and authorized by the health authority.

Implementation of the mandatory quarantine / social isolation for all passengers and crew disembarking at airports in the Autonomous Region of Madeira from 00:00 hours on March 15, 2020, for a period of 14 days, regardless of the length of stay predicted by landed in the Region.

The mandatory quarantine / social isolation, contained in the previous paragraph, is in force until March 31, 2020, with passengers and crew disembarking in RAM on the last day of the period, in mandatory quarantine until April 14, 2020 “.