“With a view to the strong containment of people and social isolation, essential and urgent, in order to control the epidemiological situation in the Autonomous Region of Madeira”, the Regional Government adopted this morning, in the Government Council, new measures for three economic activities, namely, kiosks, workshops and civil construction.
Thus, the Presidency of the Regional Government clarifies, in a statement, that the conditioning of the exercise of the following economic activities must be subject to the following operating rules:
– Newspaper and magazine retail establishments: determine that they remain in operation, ensuring the conditions of preventive contagion security, and the permanence of customers inside is prohibited, and the products must be made available to the public at the door or at the wicket, avoiding crowds of people, in particular, safety distances of at least two meters must be controlled in order to avoid possible contagions.
– Service provision activities with maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, their parts and accessories: to determine that they remain in operation, ensuring the conditions of preventive contagion security, and the permanence of customers inside is prohibited, limiting this provision services to all cases considered as urgent and urgent, without jeopardizing the essential maintenance of vehicles and road safety.
– Civil construction and public works activity: condition all public and private activity, solely and exclusively, to activities related to the provision of services, maintenance, preservation of facilities or infrastructures related to the health sector or distribution chains, which show essential or fundamental in pursuing the objective of containing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.