Accommodation, catering and the like are the most prevalent sectors, concentrating 27.7% of orders. Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles represent 19.3% of the requirements and construction 8.9%.
According to the data, requested from the Madeira Social Security Institute last Monday and sent today to JM, 2,128 companies submitted a request for a lay-off application under a simplified regime.
“Of these 2,128 companies, 1,657 companies, that is, more than 77.9%, have up to 10 workers”, says Social Security.
Companies based in Porto Santo represent 1.8% of the total of 2,128 companies that submitted a lay-off request in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
The simplified lay-off processes are, explains the body under the tutelage of the Government, “submitted, solely and exclusively, through Direct Social Security, and their analysis is treated automatically by the system that is being managed by the Instituto de Informática which is responsible for making data available at national level”.
The available data does not allow, the Social Security Institute, to measure the current number of workers covered by this measure. “However, there has been an insistence on that national body to provide this information”,