The Association of Commerce and Industry of Funchal (ACIF) considers that some of the measures of restriction adopted are excessive and may make the development of certain economic activities unfeasible.
In a note sent to the media, ACIF-CCIM defends the gradual opening of economic activity, and agrees that it must be combined with the adoption of restrictive measures that aim to prevent the spread of the Covid pandemic 19, thus safeguarding the best interests public health.
However, “and even more so when it was announced, with some expectation, the phased resumption of some sectors of activity, unnecessarily limiting rules should be avoided and, in practice, they can compromise the normal development of the companies’ activity”, says the communicated, specifying that it is the case of some of the safety and hygiene measures imposed on retail trade through Resolution no. 273/2020 of 1 May, namely, the prohibition of “ready-to-wear in general, footwear, accessories, jewelry and others “, as well as” product exchanges, except in cases provided for by law “, which was not imposed outside the territory of RAM, nor does it appear to have been supported by any technical-scientific criteria”.
In particular, “in view of this restriction, which surprised the economic agents of the retail trade, more specifically in the clothing and footwear sector, and also ACIF-CCIM itself, many of our Associates believe that they will not be able to make any sales, making the reopening of the respective establishments commercially useless and totally unjustified from the financial point of view “, considers the association, regretting that this matter has not been” previously discussed with representatives of the sector, a discussion that could have contributed either to find reasonable and feasible solutions, wants to prepare, in a timely manner, the respective implementation, so it will propose to the Regional Government the urgent review of some of the measures adopted and that have raised several doubts and constraints “.
It’s not brain science, and was totally ridiculous to even suggest it.