Here are the answers to this week’s quiz let me know how well or bad you did.
If you would like the quiz to continue I could do one a month, and also a Quarantine Fun once a week, just till things get better in other countries, as I know a lot of you still might be stuck inside for a little longer yet.
Let me know in the comments.
Ok get marking those papers….
1. What is the name of the drink from Câmara do Lobos made from beer, juice, ice cream and pineapple?
– Nikita (Niquita)
2. Black scabbard fish is popular on menus. What do the locals call it?
– Espada
3. A restaurant in Funchal Old Town is named after which Austrian composer?
– Mozart
4. Jutting out into Funchal harbour is a bar and eatery with roofing like several pointy white marquees. What is its unimaginative name?
– Beerhouse
5. In Funchal there is a Pub Number Two and a Bar Number Two, but why is the pub so named?
– Because the customer is first, according to a plaque by the door
6. Beyond the eastern side of Funchal harbour, an old yellow building is prominent on the coast. What is its restaurant called?
– Restaurante Do Forte
7. What is the name of the most easterly point of Madeira accessible by road?
– Ponta de São Lourenço
8. What is the capital of Porto Santo?
– Vila Baleira
9. Including Porto Santo, how many municipalities are there in the Madeira Islands?
– 10
10. The first families to settle in the islands came from which region of Portugal?
– The Algarve
11. How high is the highest point of Madeira? (100m either way accepted)
– 1,861m
12, How large is the island of Madeira? (100km2 either way accepted)
– 740.7 km2
13. What is the name of the short levada walk PR11?
– Vereda dos Balcões (Balcoes de Ribeiro Frio)
14. At over 550m, what is the name of the immense sea cliff near Câmara do Lobos?
– Cabo Girão
15. Travelling towards Porto Moniz along the North Coast from Ponta Delgada, which is the next town?
Clue: it is known for its volcanic caves.
– São Vicente
16. A main road heading out of central Funchal is named in each direction after 2 historical dates. What are these dates?
– 31 de Janeiro & 5 de Outubro
17. What is the common name of this Flower? – Pride of Madeira

18. What is the name of this fruit? it is pretty common in Madeira. – Pitanga

19. What town am I looking down on from this Viewpoint? – Paul do Mar

20. Where did I take this Photo? – Calhau de São Jorge (will accept São Jorge)