Maybe it’s time to close schools.?
Following the positive result of a teacher, two students, three employees and four EB23 teachers Dr. Eduardo Brazão de Castroe are in confinement, until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.
This is the fifth school in the Region affected today by the covid-19 pandemic.
At EB123 / PE Bartolomeu Perestrelo, due to a close contact of two students with a positive case, two classes (35 students) go to the non-face-to-face classes, until otherwise indicated by the health authorities. Also at the Professional School of Hotel and Tourism of Madeira, twelve collaborators in prophylactic isolation, following the positive result of a teacher.
Following the positive result of a family member close to two students, two classes (36 students) of the EB1 / PE of São Martinho are in confinement.
Also today, the website of the Regional Education Secretariat reported a student from the Maria Presentation Board who tested positive and, despite not attending the establishment since November 13, a class (23 students) will be confined until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.
Two other students tested negative, but two classes (45 students) and two teachers are also preventively confined until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.