New measures being announced.

Miguel Albuquerque is at the moment announcing new measures for the Christmas period.

I will put a full list of these a bit later when some of the announcements are a bit clearer, but just from what has been said at the moment it’s clear that things will be very different.

All Residents and Emigrants will be double tested for a period of 15 days I presume 15 days up till New Year.

No market nights, circus or amusement parks.

Bars to close at 1am on January 1st

Fireworks to be watched at home, some spaces will be available to watch fireworks, but restricted.

Stalls not to se alcohol, and food for takeaway only.

Madeira is expected to receive 200,000 vaccines.

There is no reason to enact confinement” or limitations on movement between municipalities, like on the continente.

There will be no São Silvestre Race.

Madeira has already spent 7 million on testing, and expects a increase over the holiday season, spending more than 12 million.

I will update on all this later  as somethings are still not clear, and will be explained more, as the meeting carrys on. 

From Jornal Madeira