ARAE and PSP continue to reinforce the enforcement of the covid-19 pandemic control rules on public roads and at commercial and catering establishments, sometimes conducting inspections at the same location. Yesterday there was another vast operation by the two authorities, but when they arrive at the locations it is the general escape from the customers who leave, and then shortly afterwards return after the inspectors leave.
The JM knows that in this inspection action several infractions of a different nature were detected and it was even decided to temporarily suspend the activity of an establishment in Caniço, in addition to the lifting of several administrative offenses in other establishments in Funchal and Ribeira Brava.
In Caniço, the authority ended up closing a commercial establishment that did not comply with the capacity of the space and no one wore a mask and fulfilled the social distance The two authorities redoubled their efforts in Santa Cruz, Ribeira Brava and Funchal, where the inspection ‘completely filled locations.