Horácio Bento de Gouveia, Externato Princesa D. Amélia and EB1 / PE / Ribeira Brava Creche activated a contingency plan.

At EB23 Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia, following the close contact of two students with a positive case, outside the school context, two classes (37 students) start a classroom regime without presential until otherwise indicated by the health authorities. 

At the Externato Princesa D. Amélia, a student tested positive. One class (22 students) and one teacher in confinement until otherwise indicated by the health authorities. 

In turn, at EB1 / PE / Ribeira Brava Creche, and following a close contact between an educator and a suspected case, a group (22 students) and two assistants begin confinement until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.

Remember that throughout this Thursday several other educational establishments in the Region were forced to activate their contingency plan, namely EB1 / PE dos Ilhéus, EBS Machico, EB23 dos Louros and EBS Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva.

From Jornal Madeira