Jackson Groves Thanks Madeira

And Madeira Thanks You……
Obrigado Madeira! Thanks for all the great memories! It was an incredible six months of exploring this Portuguese tropical island but it’s time to keep exploring the world. Thanks to all of the awesome Madeirans I met, you know who you are. Thanks for introducing me to Poncha. Thanks for leading me on hikes and cutting the way with your machetes. Thanks to the locals for always being super friendly and very genuine. Thanks for adopting me for half a year! #Madeira #MadeiraIsland
Here are a few shots showing just how clear the water is on Madeira. Although to be fair, I spent most of my time in the mountains!
Photos: @atiba_belgrave

Jacksons Print Store is now Live. Helping Madeira’s Food Bank

My MADEIRA PRINT STORE is now LIVE and I’M LEAVING MADEIRA! How’s that for a double announcement! Click the link below to visit the print store! or you can request any photo from my Instagram feed or blog as a print also just DM me 😊 IMPORTANT: 100% of profits from any print sales will be donated to the Madeira Food Bank who is supporting those families and Madeirans in tough times due to the pandemic. Check out the prints and let me know what you think! #Madeira
VISIT THE PRINT STORE: https://www.journeyera.com/prints/
Here are a few of Jacksons prints.