Positive cases were recorded in seven children / students, which resulted in the confinement of five classes and a classroom, in a total of 107 children / students, two educators, two teachers and one auxiliary, in the schools of Madeira.
Due to the contact of a student with a positive case, outside the school context, a class was confined, with a total of 21 students and a teacher.
14 classes, with a total of 240 children / students, 23 teachers and nine non-teachers, returned to the classroom in different establishments and teaching cycles of the RAM.
The positive cases and registered contacts were as follows:
EB1 / PE Eng. Luís Santos Costa
Two children and a student tested positive. Then, a room (15 children), two educators and an auxiliary are in prophylactic isolation, and a class (22 students) and two teachers are in non-face-to-face classes, until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.
EBS Dr. Luís Maurílio da Silva Dantas
Two students tested positive. Subsequently, two classes (36 students) are in non-face-to-face classes until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.
Machico EBS
One student tested positive. Subsequently, a class (18 students) is in a non-face-to-face class until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.
EB23 Dr. Alfredo Ferreira Nóbrega Júnior
One student tested positive. Subsequently, a class (16 students) is in non-face-to-face classes until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.
EB1 / PE from Nazaré
Due to the contact of a student with a positive case, outside of the school context, a class (21 students) and a teacher are in a class regime not in person until otherwise indicated by the health authorities.