Just a quick story from me, as I’m so happy this evening.
Some of you might know my Nan (94) fell and broke her hip and femur 7 weeks ago.
After being in hospital, and then moving to a respite place we have been told she probably won’t walk again, the physio was just to much for her.
Visiting has been very limited with the covid situation, and her health started to deteriorate. Then she also became positive for covid in the respite place.
My aunt and her daughter were allowed to see her as she became so ill and were told to prepare for the worse, they spent all day everyday for the last 4-5 days with her, and thank god her health has got a little better, the worse of the covid has passed, and today she left the rest bite place to stay with my cousin, where she will have carers and a better quality of life.
This photo below is the best, my Nieces seeing her leave to go to my cousins. The nurse behind was in tears and said she wants to bee at her 99th birthday party.
Now she is enjoying some TV which she hasn’t seen for 7 weeks, and all the family can get to visit.
I pray I can get to the UK soon also to see my Nan. πππ
Let’s hope things are starting to get a bit better for all of us, I am feeling positive for this.