The prices of the two main fuels consumed in Madeira by motorists continue their galloping climb, which began almost uninterruptedly since January 2021.
Right now, both 95-octane super unleaded gasoline and (simple) road diesel exceed the maximums for many years. Do not forget that subsidized diesel (colored and marked) also continues to increase values.
Thus, ’95 petrol’ is already close to the 2014 average price (1,642 euros/lt), thus surpassing the average values of the last six years.
Road diesel, which is the most used fuel to supply vehicles in Madeira, is already priced above the 2014 average (1,322 euros/lt), largely leaving even the average prices of the last seven years.
Colored and marked diesel is still far from the maximum recorded since 2014 (0.921 euros/lt), but it is, along with simple diesel, the one that has shown greater consistency in the increases, which have been taking place for 12 consecutive weeks in this year of 2021.
Both fuels have increased 7.3% (simple) and 8.5% (colored) since the last week they had their prices reduced (between 19 and 25 April). The ’95 petrol’, which this week was at 1.542 euros/lt, now costs 5.6% more.
These are the prices in effect for the week, ie from midnight on the 12th of July until 23:59 on the following Sunday, the 18th of July.
IO 95 super unleaded gasoline………€ 1,629 per liter
Diesel for road use ………………………………..€ 1.402 per liter
Colored and marked diesel …………………..€ 0.851 per liter