It seems many of you have been having problems getting your free return test through the Madeira Safe website or app.
They advertise on Visit Madeira Page that everyone is entitled to one free test, it just seems it’s very difficult for some to get this to return to their country.
I to have experienced this with a friend staying. He submitted a request for a free PCR test to return to France, His request was accepted but from then nothing else. Emails to Madeira Safe do not get a reply.
In the end, we went to the airport, and they did the PCR for him there.
Others have told me when submitting a request they are given a choice of testing locations but the links do not work….
Also please note, those traveling to the UK, you do not need a PCR to enter the UK. All that’s needed is an Antigen test, and you book your day 2 PCR online and show this as proof when you land in the UK.
Some of you unable to get the free test have gone to the Private Hospital to get tested and Paid 95 euros for a PCR when you only need an Antigen test that cost 20.00 euros, the hospital will not tell you this, so it’s up to you to know what’s needed, and it has been mentioned many times on this blog.
For other countries, I do not know your rules of entry, but if you only need an Antigen test then this is very cheap in Madeira. Plus you do not need an appointment just go to the Private Hospital, and they do it there and then for you, and print out your results as proof.
You can find all the information below, just click the image text below, and then scroll down to where you can see the section on LEAVING THE AUTONOMOUS REGION OF MADEIRA
Click the text below.
It also explains how to book your test before leaving, but so many of you are having problems with this.
If you are having problems, it’s best to try to go to one of the testing places, in Funchal the main hospital has one, and I believe this is where most people go for their return test.
Another question I get asked a lot is that people coming with their 2 vaccines or proof that they have recovered from Covid-19 in the last 180 days, the proof is only validated on Madeira Safe once you arrive in Madeira, and show your proof to the Madeira Safe Team in the arrivals. Maybe someone can confirm this also.?
If I can help I will answer all comments left below this post, please note, I will not answer comments left on Facebook, please leave them here using the comment box. If it’s the first time you have commented, I need to approve you, so please give me some time to do this, as I normally check through all the comments in the Evenings.