The maximum temperature exceeded 30 degrees, this Sunday (July 11) in Santa Cruz.
In the Airport area, the thermometers read 30.4 ºC at 15:50.
Very significant is also the maximum recorded at Pico do Areeiro of 24.4 ºC
According to Victor Prior regional delegate of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) in Madeira, the scenario was already to be expected.
“Today was already predicted to be the hottest day of the week with temperatures reaching 30 degrees, as happened in the municipality of Santa Cruz”, reiterates the meteorologist.
He also states that the heat is here to stay, at least until next Thursday (15th).
“From tomorrow until Thursday, temperatures should be around 26 to 27ºC”, confirms Victor Prior.
The month of July marks, moreover, the arrival ‘in force’ of summer in the Region.
According to IPMA, there are two municipalities in Madeira, Machico and Santa Cruz, and Porto Santo this Sunday are at high risk of fire.