ARAE and GNR seized about 40 kilos of fruit at the Mercado dos Lavradores

Passion fruit, guavas, pumpkins and other fruits, totaling about 40 kg, were seized this morning at various stands at the Mercado dos Lavradores, as part of an inspection carried out by the Regional Authority for Economic Activities (ARAE) and the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR).

Luís Miguel Rosa explained that the infractions were lack of hygiene and lack of food requirements, adding that some administrative offenses related to the visibility of prices were raised.

The ARAE inspector also said that the fruits were seized immediately, and the owners of these stalls were identified.

From Diário Notícias

I think this is something that could be done daily, and violations will be found every time, let’s hope the ARAE are starting to open their eyes.