Portugal is currently the country in the world with the highest population coverage rate with complete vaccination against covid-19, according to the statistics website Our World in Data.
The country has surpassed Malta in recent days and registers 81.54% of the population with complete vaccination against the infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, while Malta has 80.95% of the population fully immunized against covid-19. In third place in the world ranking comes the United Arab Emirates, with 78.80%.
However, if the population data with the immunization process still incomplete are included, Portugal drops to the second position in the world, with 5.40% of the population still to complete the vaccination, increasing the total vaccination coverage (first and second doses) for 86.94%.
In first place are the United Arab Emirates, which, in addition to the 78.80% of the population fully protected in relation to covid-19, still have 11.09% of its inhabitants with an incomplete vaccination process, which makes a total of vaccination coverage of 89.89%. Malta is in this record the third country in the world, with a total population with first and second doses of 81.11%.
According to the weekly vaccination report of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), 80% of the Portuguese population, the equivalent of more than 8.2 million people, has already completed the vaccination process against the virus SARS-CoV-2 and 85 %, more than 8.8 million, already have the first dose of the vaccine.
The ‘task force’ that coordinates the logistics of vaccination estimates reaching in the last week of this month the goal of 85% of the Portuguese population with complete vaccination.
In Portugal, since March 2020, 17,872 people have died and 1,057,100 confirmed cases of infection have been recorded, according to data from the Directorate-General for Health.