“Madeira, Jardim da Esperança” is the motto of this year’s edition of the Flower Festival, whose procession is already on the street.

Around twelve hundred extras, divided into twelve groups that make up the Flower Festival Parade, this year returning to the Avenue after the interregnum imposed by the pandemic, parade at a good pace, squandering many smiles.
In attendance, many people, including visitors and tourists, make up the human framework as has not been seen in Funchal for a long time. A traffic of people that, even to get to the Avenue, it should be noted, is more than notorious.
The atmosphere of joy and the profusion of colors and flowers that, at this moment, invades downtown Funchal, is so idyllic that the first spectator we spoke with, Rita Martins, a native of Funchal, did not spare praise. “It’s very, very beautiful. We already deserved this party, which is a dream”, she said with a tear in the corner of her eye.
In fact, many of the people approached by the Journal were thrilled and expectant about this return. “I’m looking forward to a show as it always was, beautiful and huge”, told us, Maria Fernanda, who, accompanied by her husband, didn’t want to miss this moment. “Our family has always had this tradition of being here and it’s just a pity that we’re not here in spring”, he laments, explaining that this condition translates, in his opinion, into the lesser diversity of floral species. Still, “it’s a spectacle”, he concludes.
And if the people at the house say what to expect from tourists… “It’s wonderful and the weather is absolutely incredible”, said Elizabeth, an English citizen who said that this was not her debut at the Flower Festival. And he likes it so much that he always comes back.
At this moment, João Egídio Rodrigues parades who presents the project entitled “Flowers of Hope”.
In second position in the line-up, follows the Caneca Furada Samba School, with “Madeira, Alegria das Cores”.

From Jornal Madeira