Miguel Albuquerque announced measures that are impractical and difficult to control . The Regional Government announced the transition to the Contingency Situation and launches recommendations to fight the virus that is generating confusion and whose fulfillment will depend on the collaboration of services, citizens and companies.
This is because ARAE talks about difficulties in inspection. Public transport and restaurants await clarification. Vaccination registers timid growth in November. “Variante Delta is as contagious as Chickenpox”, warns epidemiologist Manuel Carmo Gomes. Yesterday there were 52 new infections and one more death.
This is all suppose to be put in place in the next 24 hours.
I really think the joke is on Albuquerque this time, and can’t see anyway this will work.
Now I waiting for all the photos of people queueing outside the pharmacies, shops, restaurants, it’s just crazy. Plus watch the numbers soar ic there are a lot of false positives with the mass testing.