Messages of condolence to the owner of the bar ‘O Avô, Ricardo Sousa, victim of sudden illness last Sunday, multiplied. Sporting Clube de Portugal’s well-known support group, the ‘Directivo Ultras XXI’, placed a banner as a tribute in the space located on Rua da Praia, Funchal.
Among the thousands of notes of regret, Juventude Leonina also reacted to the departure of the well-known 55-year-old Sporting fan and owner of a “mandatory crossing point on every trip” to Madeira.
Among the figures that say goodbye to Ricardo Sousa is the former international and Madeiran referee, Duarte Gomes.
Born in the city of Durban, South Africa, Ricardo Sousa was the main face of the bar that brings together a vast collection of football club scarves – more than two thousand.
The number of scarves could have been higher if a large part of the collection had not disappeared in the storm of February 20th, which ended up forcing the closure of the space that is right on the edge of Portas da Cidade.
The Associação do Caminho Real da Madeira also expressed its deep regret for the departure of “partner” Ricardo Sousa.
“It was there that those who ended the Caminho Real 23 completed their passport with the seal of the parish of Sé. Ricardo was one of the first to believe in our project”, writes the Association on its Facebook page.