As of March 1, 2022, and due to the increase in the price of a barrel of oil, Porto Santo Line will have to resume the application of the fuel surcharge (SBTC), in certain tariffs of the Lobo Marinho vessel.
The information was released by Porto Santo Line.
A fuel surcharge developed by a formula previously approved by the guardianship will be added. This surcharge is variable and updated monthly taking into account the date of purchase of the sea ticket. With regard to tickets, the SBTC to be applied will always refer to the month of sale and not to the month of the trip itself. Thus, for all sales made between March 1 and 31, 2022, referring to travel in any month of the year, a surcharge will apply to the value of the categories.
And they are the following:
Adult Passenger – RT – 4.30 euros
Child Passenger – RT- 2.14 euros
20′ containers – OW- 17.98 euros
40′ containers -OW- 30.56 euros
Trucks (Class D) – 30.56 euros
Vans (Class C) – 10.78 euros
Products not on the list are exempt from fuel surcharge.