The president of the CMF, Pedro Calado, visited the bike lane in Funchal, in the Forum area, which has been completed and thus made it possible to open the tender to correct the “foolishness of the bike lane in Ribeiro seco”, a change that will continue as was promised, from the day he took office.

( More foolish is that they are hardly used and cyclist still use the bloody road when there is a bike lane there….) 

“We are going to undo a mistake that was made by the previous executive. We think that within a month the works will begin”.

(and who is paying for this mistake??? )

With the bike lane like this and car circulation restricted, if on this “side of the city there is a fire or a major disaster, no one can circulate just in one lane at rush hour”.

The alteration and rectification of the initial project of the cycle track in Ribeiro Seco will cost the Municipality another 150 thousand euros. In place of the bike lane, “a lane for priority vehicles will be made, such as ambulances, buses, taxis and security vehicles”, guaranteeing access to the west side of the city through two lanes and not one, as was designed in the first project of the city. responsibility of the previous council.

The cycle path had three phases and, in the last one, visited today, it was necessary to carry out a background change that allowed more safety and traffic flow in this part of the city, allowing circulation in two lanes. The cost of the work was 1.1 million euros and had three phases. “The sidewalk area was adapted, the gardens were arranged and new signage was placed. People can start enjoying it. At the right time, we started to change these projects”. Pedro Calado, who was accompanied by councilor Bruno Pereira, also noted that when “thinking and idealizing these works, it is necessary to take into account the growth of the city”, so new projects of this type have to be thought out calmly and carried out in a way that “do not interfere with the movement of people”,

From Jornal Madeira