A doctor on call for Peace of Mind.
Have you ever felt sick while you were traveling abroad? Or did you suffer a minor injury during your holidays? Probably you did, just as many other people did. It might be pretty scary to be alone in a different country, thinking that your General Practitioner (GP) is miles away.
If this ever happened to you, you probably felt lost, going through hassles of unknown procedures and queuing while waiting to be seen by a doctor that doesn’t speak your language.
Safe Away is an innovative company operating in Madeira that combines health services with technology. Safe Away has been operating in Madeira for 5 years and provides health services focused on the well-being of tourists visiting Madeira and foreign citizens living on the island. The team comprises health professionals: doctors and nurses and ensures, in an integrated way, the response to health events 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The company has partnership agreements with the vast majority of hotels in Madeira.
Either at your hotel room or doorstep.
Any person needing medical assistance can make a doctor’s appointment by two different means. Either the person calls directly to Safe Away’s call center and asks for help or uses the company’s App (link here https://safeaway.pt/).
After the first contact, Safe Away’s team members visit the patient in the hotel room or residence. Then they evaluate the health status, recommend diagnostics and formulate a treatment plan. Whenever appropriate, Safe Away’s physicians and nurses will prescribe treatments that can be given in the comfort of the hotel room while keeping the patient under supervision. Doing this reduces the stress of visiting a hospital and waiting for doctor consultation.
Safe Away’s doctors and nurses help patients throughout their recovery with professionalism and empathy from consultation to treatment.
Suppose by any chance a patient needs to be hospitalized. In that case, Safe Away’s team will always be by their side, monitoring the whole process closely.
If a tourist chooses to be assisted by Safe Away, he will be assisted every step until he returns home. If the situation can’t be solved at the hotel, Safe Away will use its network of specialized partners.
The guest will always be accompanied by one professional who will supervise the whole process and will do the follow-up. Safe Away also supports the patient’s family, giving them permanent feedback and assistance with the required paperwork related to the insurance and flight authorizations.
Patients can use the App for doctor’s appointments.
Patients can use Safe Away’s App to chat with a health professional anytime, anywhere. They can request an appointment through chat, phone, or video. The App makes it possible to get permanent follow-up 24/7 at the distance of a click. Live chat allows patients to interact with a doctor or nurse and share files (photographs and/or video) that can facilitate the triage process. This makes it easier for the health professional, in addition to triage, to advise and mobilize, if and when necessary, the health team that will promptly go to the patient’s hotel room or residence.
The live chat also makes it possible to keep a detailed record of the conversation between the health professional and the patient. The healthcare professional and the patient can consult these records whenever they wish.
Safe Away also provides services that allow tourists with pre-existing health conditions to book the continuity of these same health services during their stay in Madeira.