In 12 hours of rain, Areeiro accumulates more than 272 liters per square meter

In the last 12 hours (until 11 pm) the accumulated precipitation in Chão do Areeiro was 272.7 liters per square meter (mm), of which 186.6 mm were recorded in the 6 rainiest hours (an amount that triples the 60 mm/6h of base value for issuing a red warning).

In the 6 am criterion, until 11 pm, seven of the two dozen meteorological stations on the IPMA network in Madeira had recorded extreme values ​​consistent with the red warning – in force for the south coast and mountainous regions. In addition to Chão do Areeiro, the same was true of Pico Alto (169.3 mm/6h), Monte (127.8 mm/6h), Pico do Areeiro (117.7 mm/6h), Bica da Cana (104.5 mm/6h), Prazeres (84.1 mm/6h), and Quinta Grande (62.3 mm/6h). At the three meteorological stations with the highest rainfall records, Chão do Areeiro, Pico Alto and Monte, the extreme risk level for the 6-hour interval was reached in just 2 hours (mid-afternoon) of heavy and persistent rain.