The impossibility of consulting previous medical records and recording consultation data could negatively affect the care provided, warns the Medical Council of the Ordem dos Médicos da RAM.
The Medical Council of the Ordem dos Médicos da RAM revealed today that “it has received declarations of disclaimer from doctors from SESARAM, EPERAM, for accidents or incidents that may occur as a result of failure of computer means of registration doctor”, following the computer attack that SESARAM, EPERAM was targeted on August 6, 2023.
“This attitude expresses the concern arising from the impossibility of consulting previous medical records and recording consultation data, such as complementary diagnostic tests and therapeutic adjustments, which could negatively condition the health care provided and affect compliance with the laws artis”, warns the Medical Council in a press release.
In the same note, the entity assumes its concern “with the limitations imposed by this computer attack on the assistance and non-assistance activity of doctors from SESARAM, EPERAM”, guaranteeing that it will be “permanently attentive to the evolution of this situation”.
The Medical Council of the Ordem dos Médicos da RAM further reinforces “the need for users, when they resort to health centers and/or hospitals of SESARAM, EPERAM, to have in their possession the relevant clinical information, such as the record of drug allergies, usual medication, clinical bulletin (such as the health of children and adolescents, the health of the pregnant woman and the patient with hypocoagulation), medical reports, clinical analyses, image exams and recent discharge notes, if applicable”.
On Monday, the Regional Government’s Cybersecurity Service indicated that the recovery time for the cyberattack on Sesaram, signaled at 8:11 am on Sunday and which caused a “disfunction in the computer network”, will be “prolonged” and called on users to take “double care” in accessing information.