Câmara de Lobos bank robber has already been caught by the PSP

Five days after the robbery that resulted in more than 240 thousand euros, members of the Criminal Investigation Squadron of the Public Security Police (PSP) of Câmara de Lobos identified and detained the individual who entered the Caixa Geral de Depósitos counter, in downtown of that city, appropriating the large sum of money.

The trail of the vehicle used by the assailant was crucial for the PSP to be able to reach the suspect who, according to DIÁRIO, will be a resident of Câmara de Lobos. It is known that the defendant is married and father of three children.

As for the suspect, he was intercepted by Judiciary Police inspectors in the early hours of today, and a large part of the stolen money was also seized, as well as some objects relevant for evidentiary purposes.

The detainee will be brought before the competent judicial authorities. 

From Diário Notícias