The Geodiversity Roadmap of the Municipality of Machico was launched today by Ecos Machico as part of the International Day of Geodiversity, a date that aims to raise awareness of the importance of geodiversity in terms of the survival and well-being of human beings and all biodiversity. 

This is a recent date that Ecos Machico did not want to leave unnoticed, creating the script now released.

“The main objective of this is to provide the visitor with a simple and intuitive route to the Machico Ecosites that are of interest from a geological point of view, that is, rocks, minerals, soils, fossils and landforms that form the landscape. Machiquense”, explains the promoting entity.

In addition to the points also classified as Geosites by the Geological Heritage Conservation Strategy of RAM, other Ecosites were selected, with the same geological interest that deserve to be disclosed and promoted, for the benefit of their Geoconservation.

All this information is freely available on this site . This is a project promoted by the Municipality of Machico and Associação Insular de Geografia, financed by European funds through the PRODERAM program.

From Jornal Madeira