The president of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque, announced that the Madeiran executive will soon open an international competition to have “one or more” tourist helicopters.
According to the government official, the idea involves placing the take-off and landing area in front of the Madeira Electricity Company. “It is a space that has no implications for security or the movement of people and cars, nor for any event that may occur there”, he said, adding that another objective is to also take advantage of the existing heliports in the Region. “For example, the Porto Moniz and Porto Santo heliports. But, obviously, this is up to the bidding criteria, because they also have the possibility of presenting solutions for the landing and take-off areas”, he stated.
On the sidelines of handing out diplomas to young entrepreneurs, at the Madeira Employment Institute, Miguel Albuquerque also said that the forecast is that this competition could open “by the summer”.