A Madeiran farmer managed to create a papaya that quickly adapted to the region. The feat was achieved through the help of Microlab Madeira, which helped this producer create a new species of papaya.
Read the press release from the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Environment:
“Today João Aníbal Garanito stands out in regional agriculture, not only for his ability to adapt to current market demands, but also for the high quality of what he produces.
The regional director of Agriculture, Marco Caldeira, was at this production, in the municipality of Ponta de Sol, where he took the opportunity to praise Microlab’s contribution. A laboratory under the responsibility of the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Rural Development, whose main mission is to encourage agriculture in Madeira and Porto Santo, through the in vitro propagation of plant species free from pests and/or diseases and which are of obvious Regional interest .
For Marco Caldeira, this is a clear example of a producer who managed to adapt to market demands and always with great quality.
“Today, consumers are increasingly attentive and the conscious choice to purchase locally produced agricultural products is increasingly part of current consumption trends, contributing to the dynamism of the regional economy”, said the person in charge.”