Fires: Demonstration called for Praça do Povo from 3 pm

A demonstration is being called, through the sending of messages to various groups via mobile phone, to protest against the way in which the Regional Government acted in fighting the fires.

Here is the full message

“Silent Concentration for a more Responsible Madeira.

Praça do Povo, today 23rd between 3pm to  6pm, in front of the “Madeira” sign.

Each participant must bring a bottle of water, with which we will form a heart and then a spiral around the heart, we will have some posters with some demands:

“For a greener Madeira, we demand responsibilities”;

“For protected ecosystems, we demand responsibilities;

For a Madeira without fires, we demand responsibility”;

“For a more supportive Madeira, we demand responsibility. No to the Festa dos Fachos”.

Join us.”

From Jornal Madeira