Supply tanks “dry and doomed to abandonment”, denounces the PPM

Another great example of millions spent and then just left, like most other things on this island. They really do think they can build all this great stuff and then it will just look after itself. 

The Popular Monarchist Party (PPM) of Madeira claims to have received photographs of tanks built in the highlands of Santo António, with the purpose of helping air resources in the supply of water and in fighting fires. These structures, according to the monarchists, are dry and doomed to abandonment, “even having vegetation inside them”.

“It is unacceptable that an investment of this magnitude should be made, with high costs for the Region’s coffers and paid for with Madeiran taxes, which are now doomed to abandonment, when they are needed for the supply of water to the air, but are inoperative due to lack of maintenance and conservation”, stresses the coordinator of PPM Madeira.

Paulo Brita recalls that this work had, “according to what was announced by the Regional Government”, a cost of “2.1 million euros”.

PPM Madeira therefore questions the regional secretary for Civil Protection and the Regional Secretariat for the Environment, which oversees the Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN), which of the two is responsible for maintaining these tanks and water network and why they are inoperative.

From Diário Notícias