Wedding party at Fanal based on decision.
The PAN Madeira Party announces that it will file a formal complaint with UNESCO, in response to the authorization of the Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation (IFCN) to hold a wedding party in Fanal, an area integrated in the Laurissilva Forest, classified as a World Heritage Site.
“Madeira’s Laurissilva, one of the most valuable jewels of the island’s natural heritage, has been the target of successive decisions that threaten its preservation. The permission to hold private events in areas of ecological sensitivity demonstrates a total lack of awareness of the importance of defending this heritage, which belongs to everyone and must be protected in an uncompromising manner”, says Válter Ramos, leader of the party.
PAN states that the president of the Regional Government, Miguel Albuquerque, “continues to have no idea about the richness of this heritage, arguing that the IFCN should continue to authorize private activities in protected areas, without a critical and responsible analysis of the environmental impacts. The lack of clear responses from the IFCN and the permissive stance of the Regional Government are unacceptable.”
“The Regional Government and the IFCN are not learning or simply do not want to learn from the mistakes made in recent months. We will not allow this type of abuse to occur against our nature. The devaluation of a festival in the heart of the Laurissilva is unacceptable and reflects a total lack of respect for the heritage that is of global importance.” – underlines Válter Ramos, Political Commissioner of PAN Madeira.
The leader also criticizes the “silence” of the PS-Madeira. “They really like to comment on the PAN’s actions in defense of the Laurissilva, but this is once again inconsistent. While they criticize our party, their own mayors participate in these private events and promote public festivals, such as the Fachos, in the midst of a period of fire risk”, he claims.