Landslides affected roads and closed ‘Rocha do Navio’

The rain that fell in recent days caused several landslides in the municipality of Santana. The Municipal Road of Terras de Fora, in São Jorge, was conditioned due to falling rocks, as well as the Municipal Path of Fajã Grande de Cima.

Santana City Council informs that these roads have already been cleaned, but recommends caution, taking into account the instability of the slope after heavy rain.

It also announces the temporary closure of Vereda da Rocha do Navio “due to the recent fall of rocks that compromise the safety and well-being of everyone”.

It also makes public that due to cleaning interventions on the aforementioned route, the path will be closed for an indefinite period to guarantee the safety of visitors and workers.

“There is no forecast for reopening until the aforementioned cleaning is completed and the appropriate safety assessments are carried out,” he explains.

From Diário Notícias