The Parliamentary Group of PS-Madeira presented, today, in the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, a draft resolution that recommends to the Regional Government the attribution of the Social Mobility Subsidy when traveling between islands throughout the year. A proposal that gathered consensus on the part of all parties, having been approved unanimously.
“Porto Santo with the double insularity and chronic seasonality that it suffers in terms of tourism, ends up feeling this crisis even more sharply, needing extraordinary measures to accelerate the recovery of its small local economy.
Thus, the attribution of the Social Mobility Subsidy to Madeira residents traveling to Porto Santo, throughout the year, including July, August and September, proves to be a fundamental measure to stimulate the small local economy of Porto Santo, which is battered by this crisis.
The PS-Madeira Parliamentary Group welcomes the approval of this diploma and reaffirms its commitment to present and defend other measures that are necessary to guarantee the well-being of all Porto-Santos “, reads the statement sent to the press .