Miguel Albuquerque considers that Madeira cannot close itself to the outside again, despite considering that “there is no doubt that this opening to the outside constitutes a risk, which is calculated, as I said, and which will be important for the future”. “Because we cannot close Madeira again. Nor the airports ”, he stressed.

The President of the Regional Government, who was speaking this morning in Monte, on the sidelines of a visit to a farm, acknowledged that he was satisfied with the great effectiveness of the screenings and tests, “not only in controlling the entrance, but also, afterwards, monitoring in the territory ”.

It does not, however, invalidate worrying situations. “What was happening in Porto Santo was a great risk. Even now in Madeira we had a local focus ”, he adds, concerned.

In this sense, he insisted on reiterating the call for people to comply with the prophylactic measures: “Wear the mask, do not gain an excess of confidence in approaching people, have the hygiene measures that have been announced and which are also decisive for we can control the virus, don’t come together in large groups ”.

“I know that sometimes, especially the youngest guys, like to drink their cup … But, even this weekend, in the ponchas, there was an unregulated situation, with an excess of people and on top of each other”, criticized.

From Jornal Madeira