As long as the suspension of maritime connections between the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo continues, the Regional Government today determined that passengers disembarking at Porto Santo airport, who are not carrying a PCR test to screen for SARS-CoV-2 with result negative, carried out within a maximum period of 72 hours prior to departure, they must perform, with the collection of biological samples on arrival, the respective PCR test.
The test will be carried out by the health authorities, and the passenger must remain in isolation, in the respective home or in the hotel establishment where he / she is staying, until the negative test result is obtained.
According to the Government’s resolution, residents of Porto Santo who travel to Funchal for less than 5 days, undergo a test 5 days after their return, guaranteeing their prophylactic isolation. Residents in Porto Santo who travel to Funchal for more than 5 days must present a negative test carried out in the last 72 hours at the entrance, and repeat it between the 5th and 7th day after the date of the last test, ensuring its prophylactic isolation.
Emigrants, migrants, students returning from vacation, all those who are going to live with residents in Porto Santo, must present a negative test carried out in the last 72 hours at the entrance, and repeat it between the 5th and 7th day after the date the last test, ensuring its prophylactic isolation.