What happens when you have friends and fitness that join together?
The birth of Madeira Fitness Friends.
Madeira Fitness Friends is not just another workout group, it’s a community.
The idea is simple. Expats who are new to the island ,who do not know the culture or language, now have an opportunity to bond with like-minded people.
Locals who are struggling financially now have an opportunity to work out and also emerge with the expats, learning more about their culture.
It’s all about creating long lasting friendships but with some sweat in between. It’s a win-win.
Madeira Fitness Friends is open to everyone, no matter what their fitness level is.
They also create events from time to time to help local commerce and tourism and to further create bonds amongst the group.
Workouts happen every Saturday at 11:00, in front of the cable car area in Funchal. It is for free giving an opportunity for everyone to join
Instagram: Madeira Fitness Friends