Thanks once again to Dietmar Weiß for these latest numbers.
Both Portugal and Madeira seem hard hit by the exponential rise in the freshly registered Covid cases. Madeira shows one of the highest incidence levels in Portugal, but almost all counties of the nation are on a very strong rise now.
My personal opionion is that we have just slipped from the fourth wave (“Delta”) into the fifth wave (“Omicron”) without having an intermediate break, different from the german figures.
All we can do for the next days is to hope that the new “Omicron” variant of the Covid virus really proves less lethal than its previous variants, so that the Intensive Care Units of the Portuguese hospitals can handle the uninevitably coming load of hospitalized patients over the next month.
Today, more important than ever before, it remains essential to protect yourself and all your neighbouring persons by keeping facemasks on, avoiding unnecessary contact with too many people in crowded locations, taking all available vaccinations, frequently testing for the virus – and remaining as prudent as you can, because panic would be the worst advisor you might have in the coming days.