The cleaning and technical work of the IFCN is already in the area.
The Institute of Forestry and Nature Conservation (IFCN) closed the pedestrian route Vereda da Encumeada (PR 1.3), between Pico Ruivo and Encumeada, due to the occurrence of a landslide and consequent collapse of the pavement. According to the IFCN note, the movement of people on that section of the trail is prohibited.
Vereda dos Balcões, between Ribeiro Frio – Balcões, (PR 11) has been closed since yesterday, for safety reasons, due to the cleaning of the escarpment promoted by the Regional Directorate of Roads.
The following PR remain closed:
- PR 3 – Levada do Pico do Castelo
- PR 10 – Levada do Furado (Ribeiro Frio – Lamaceiros)
- PR 17 – Pináculo and Folhadal Path
- PR 20 – Vereda do Jardim do Mar
- PR 23 – Levada da Azenha
The IFCN warns of the recommended walking routes, which are located in areas subject to strong climatic pressure and consequent natural erosion, we advise you to be careful when carrying them out.