Suspected cases of ‘ Monkeypox’ virus infection in the Region should contact the SRS hotline 24 (800 24 24 20).
A decision by the Regional Directorate of Health (DRS) defined through the normative circular 2022/935, of 2 June.
This telephone line, in addition to support for covid-19 cases, also ensures support in the event of a suspected infection with ‘ Monkeypox’ (monkey smallpox).
The DRS informs that, in the event of a clinical suspicion of this infection , the citizen should contact the SRS24 Line in order to be referred for medical observation.
According to the DRS, a suspected case of ‘Monkeypox’ infection may be a citizen who presents some of the following symptoms: exanthema (presence of red spots on the skin), possibly accompanied by palpable lymph nodes, fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches, or who has had contact with a confirmed case.
In the face of a suspected, probable or confirmed case, isolation and physical distancing is recommended until the lesions are resolved (scabs fall off), among other public health measures.
More information is available on the DRS page, where you can consult Normative Circular S935/2022.