The PSD says that the new ban on bathing in Praia dos Reis Magos is “unfortunately” a situation that “has already become usual”, with “negative impacts on the tourist image of the parish and the Region”.
In a statement sent, the social democrats of Caniço, mention that “this environmental attack” is an example of “the lack of care and competence” of the municipality.
Bruno Camacho underlines that this situation “is unacceptable and requires a complete solution”, as it is a recurring situation, without “effective measures being taken by those who have responsibilities in the matter, in this case the municipality of Santa Cruz”, reads the statement.
Regarding the Executive, the social democrat adds that “it has been governing the destinies of the county for nine years, but instead of finding solutions, it limits itself to attributing blame to the past, taking refuge in arguments that do not solve the problems and that they only harm, more and more, the Municipality, understood in its different parishes”.
Regarding the bans on the beach, Bruno Camacho recalls that “many of the bans that have occurred in recent times, derived from discharges, also show a total incompetence and lack of sensitivity on the part of those who should pay special attention to this bathing area”.
In conclusion, the Social Democrats say that “Caniço and its inhabitants deserve better”.
This is an ongoing problem since 2013, and just shows how competent the Câmara are.