The rental market is increasingly inflated in Madeira, judging by the conclusion of the study, which concludes that only one in five houses for rent in the Autonomous Region costs less than 750 euros/month.
“The speed with which the stock of properties in the Portuguese real estate market decreases seems to be affecting the price of rents, as only 20% of houses for rent on the island of Madeira cost less than 750 euros per month, according to a study published by idealista. , the southern European real estate marketplace”, released this morning. “If we increase the value for rents up to 1,000 euros per month, this price range represents 35% of the total available supply”, he adds.
However, “analyzing by district capitals, we find cities where rents for less than 750 euros per month predominate”, he guarantees. “In Castelo Branco and Bragança, the entire available offer costs less than that amount. Then there are Guarda, where 75% of rents are less than 750 euros/month, Santarém (64%), Vila Real (63%) , Ponta Delgada (60%), Viseu (60%), Coimbra (58%) and Leiria (54%) On the other hand, in Lisbon, only 2% of properties on the rental market are below 750 euros/month. Followed by Funchal (7%), Faro (11%), Porto (12%), Braga (16%), Setúbal (27%), Aveiro (32%) and Viana do Castelo (46%). .
“If we analyze properties for rent for less than 1,000 euros per month in these more exclusive markets, where rents are more expensive, we conclude that 8% of the offer in Lisbon costs less than 1,000 euros per month, followed by Funchal (20%) , Porto (33%) and Faro (53%)”.