For the second time in this last week of the year, the last night was tropical, this time on the north coast of the island, more specifically in São Vicente.
Vila Vicentina was, in the network of meteorological stations (20) of the IPMA in Madeira, the only place where the minimum air temperature did not drop from 20ºC throughout this last night of the year.
Between sunset this Friday (6:11 pm) and sunrise today (8:10 am) the air temperature in São Vicente remained between 20.0 ºC (at 2:00 am) and 21.3 ºC (9:00 pm). ). Interestingly, the air temperature in this northern town dropped below 20°C before dusk (19.7°C at 5:30 pm) and just after dawn (19.9°C at 9:00 am).
After the recent tropical dawn that took place last Tuesday, the 27th of December, in Ponta do Sol/Lugar de Baixo and in Funchal/Lido, this night from the 30th to the 31st closes with a new unusual record – for the time of year -, this time with São Vicente being the ‘hottest’ location on this last (complete) night of 2022.
Contrary to what one might think, this is a phenomenon that has nothing to do with the well-known tropical weather. ‘Tropical nights’ are indeed related to nights when the minimum temperature does not drop below 20°C.
It has been one of the wettest and warmest December’s on record, and I’m personally looking forward to a little cooler weather next week.