The newborn child on Sunday on Porto Santo Island who was urgently transported to Madeira, in a complex operation involving several entities and several health professionals on Sunday afternoon, remains hospitalized with a very reserved prognosis in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit ( PICU) of Hospital Dr. Nelio Mendonca.

The story was made known yesterday by JM online and gained special relevance because it is a premature baby, 28 weeks old, who was born on Sunday at the Porto Santo Health Centre. The labor took place in the middle of the emergency department, and the medical team on duty carried out the premature birth. Now with the postpartum care, the EMIR medical team moved on to the next process, which involved safely transferring the newborn to Dr. Nélio Mendonça, in a very complex and urgent operation.

As it was a newborn, the medical team called on the means of the EMIR medical team and the Porto Santo Volunteer Fire Department to carry out the safe transport of the mother and the newborn to airfield number 3, where a team from Portuguese Air Force (FAP) was waiting in the Merlim helicopter, which would make the urgent trip to Madeira Airport.

In Madeira, the child was transported in an incubator by the pre-hospital team and ambulance of the Portuguese Red Cross and under the supervision of the medical team of Hospital Dr. Nelio Mendonca. In the second ambulance followed the mother and the medical team from Gynecology, accompanied by the pre-hospital team from the Sapadores Firefighters of Santa Cruz. EMIR’s medical team also accompanied the two ambulances along the entire route in case there was any change in the health status of the newborn and the mother.

Transport of the newborn child was only decided after hemodynamic stabilization at the health center by the nurses and doctors at the Dr. Francisco Rodrigues Jardim and the EMIR medical team, starting a very complex operation to rescue and transport the baby, involving several entities.

The operation was coordinated by the Regional Civil Protection Service (SRPC) and SESARAM, and involved the Regional Health Service (SRS), the Portuguese Air Force, the Volunteer Firefighters of Porto Santo, the Sapadores Firefighters of Santa Cruz, the Portuguese Red Cross, the medical teams from EMIR in Porto Santo and Madeira, and the medical teams from Gynecology and Obstetrics at Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça and the medical team at the Dr. Francisco Rodrigues Garden.

From Jornal Madeira

Let’s pray the little one can fight….