So is this proof that Pestana should also have been looked into in this corruption case.??? Of course we know all these big families are in together, along with Sousa that has control of to much in Madeira, including the government.???
The Court of Auditors considered the award of hotel services by the Government of Madeira (PSD/CDS-PP) to two companies illegal during the covid-19 pandemic in 2020, says the audit report to the Institute of Health Administration, released today .
The Court of Auditors (TdC) clarifies that it looked at a sample consisting of six contracts, whose combined price amounted to 3.5 million euros, with the purpose of assessing compliance with the legality and regularity of expenses contracted in 2020 by the Institute of Madeira Health Administration (IASAÚDE) to combat the pandemic caused by covid-19 and its effects.
“The Court concluded that the award of hotel services with full board and accommodation to the companies ITI – Sociedade de Investimentos Turísticos na Ilha da Madeira, SA and M. & J. Pestana, SA was illegal”, is stated in a press release.
The authority states that, before the conclusion of each contract, payments were “illegally authorized” to those companies, in the amount of 109,797 euros and 574,671 euros, respectively.
“Due to the absence of effective consideration, the portion of illegal payments, relating to occasional food services associated with the so-called guarantee rooms (not occupied), causes damage to the public treasury, which must be reinstated”, indicates the TdC.
The Court states that the amounts to be reinstated are 8,701.82 euros, in relation to the contract signed with the company ITI – Sociedade de Investimentos Turísticos na Ilha da Madeira, SA and 106,419.64 euros, within the scope of the contract signed with the company M. & J. Pestana, SA.
“Despite the pandemic context, the internal control system of the Institute of Health Administration of Madeira revealed, regarding the contracts included in the analyzed sample, important weaknesses that require corrective action”, says the Court of Auditors, recommending the implementation of procedures to level of the internal control system.
The TdC also recommends that “strict compliance with legislation” be observed in matters of public procurement.