The president of the Regional Government admitted this afternoon during the Sugar Cane Fair “importing labor, since, fortunately, a large number of our young people today are graduates and have higher education courses”, and therefore, “it is a consequence of the our development, literacy and access to better jobs and this can only be achieved through the import of labor, which is already happening in a controlled and well-integrated way”.
Miguel Albuquerque recalled that this effect is already happening in some areas of the economy, namely in the restaurant and hotel sector where there are many people from Nepal”, said the head of the Madeiran executive during his visit to the XIX Sugarcane and its derivatives, an organization of the Casa do Povo da Ponta do Sol and where some producers were also present.
It’s called pricing the Madeirans out of their own country, and who will do all the local trades and traditions, the Nepalese?????
A man that only cares for money and greed.
For these farmers, Albuquerque highlighted “the substantial effort” that his government intends to make this year by allocating 50 cents for each kilo they deliver to the mills, where the rum has increased by 40/50 % in the last 14 months.
This is a historic increase for the sector and one that comes to restore some social justice as manufacturers are seeing record values in rum sales, in fact the government official highlighted the increase in a short time from 400 thousand to 5 million euros on the commercial drink table.