GNR rescued tourist who fell in Pico do Areeiro

The mountain rescue team of the Republican National Guard today rescued a tourist aged around 70 who fell approximately 100 meters from the main road while walking the Pico do Areeiro trail.

According to what was possible to ascertain, the woman had a suspected fracture in her leg, and an ambulance was requested from the Sapadores do Funchal Fire Department, which punctured a tire along the way.

Meanwhile, an ambulance from the Madeiran Volunteer Fire Department was requested to transport the tourist to the Dr. Nélio Mendonça Hospital.

From Diário Notícias

I was up there as this was going on. , I guess the punctured tyre was in the way down, and they waited for the ambulance .

Pico Areeiro was totally full, parking all the way down to the ice house . We drove up and turned at the new car park, which was full and GNR was blocking anyone trying to drive up further . When they get this system in place for gire vars, it’s still not going to work, as there are to many hire cars , for this island to cope with. It’s a real shame they have let the island get like this .