The office of the Regional Secretary for
Economy, Rui Barreto, said recently that the sale of take-away coffee is resuming. “With the end of the state of emergency and in view of the lifting of the containment measures announced by the Regional Government, in
particular, with regard to commercial
establishments, namely, the sale of coffee under a take-away regime. The Regional Secretary for Economy
communicate that this activity is resumed, and it must comply with the rules established by the decree-law that regulates the state of calamity.
The order that determined the temporary suspension of the sale of coffee in catering establishments and the like, stopped producing its effects after the cessation of the
emergency state, clarifies Rui Barreto.
However, the concentration of people outside the establishments should be avoided, keeping the rules of physical distance (minimum 2 meters). There is also a ban on the consumption of coffee and other products at the entrance of restaurants and similare stablishments.
I’m so happy for this, not quite the same as a proper coffee, sat down, but good for now as its almost been 8 weeks since my last Chinesa…. ???