The Government Council, meeting this Monday, on an extraordinary basis, adopted the following resolution:
Approve a resolution that determines that travelers who disembark at Airports in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, coming from the United Kingdom, who do not carry a SRAS-CoV-2 screening test, with a negative result, must perform the PCR screening test to SARS-CoV-2, and while awaiting the results of the same, they must remain in compulsory prophylactic isolation in a hotel establishment requested by the Regional Government for the purpose.
It should be noted that the conditions of isolation in a hotel establishment are those previously defined and disclosed.
Initially referred travellers must perform the 2nd PCR test to screen for SARS-CoV-2, between the fifth and seventh days after the first test, and must guarantee the period between disembarkation and the second test prophylactic isolation, in the respective home or in the hotel establishment that they have reserved for their stay, and the full compliance with the surveillance and self-report of symptoms and the preventive measures of COVID-19.
The PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection considered for the purposes of this Resolution, are certified by national authorities and recommended by international health authorities, the European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) and the World Organization Health (WHO).